Due to some technical errors on Bitget, the listing time has been pushed to 5pm (UTC+8). Thank you everyone for your patience.

04 May 2023, 07:13
Due to some technical errors on Bitget, the listing time has been pushed to 5pm (UTC+8). Thank you everyone for your patience!

Same news in other sources

PomeriumPMG #796
04 May 2023, 07:13
Due to some technical errors on Bitget, the listing time has been pushed to 5pm (UTC+8). Thank you everyone for your patience!
Due to some technical errors on Bitget, the listing time has been pushed to 5pm (UTC+8). Thank you everyone for your patience.
Due to some technical errors on Bitget, the listing time has been pushed to 5pm (UTC+8). Thank you everyone for your patience!